Friday 19 December 2014


When I was introduced to Pinterest for the first time on the course it was easily the one bit of new ICT I had seen that I immediately thought could really bring something to my specific subject and the format in which is is mainly taught. I could see how personally i could use it to organise my different kinds of work from digital to analogue, design, research and through to presentation, fabrication and evaluation. What I really liked about it was it's format and physical layout. In particular the ability to organise everything with pictorial headings which for me gives me almost infant recall and recognition of what I'm looking in comparison to something like Moodle which for me, wether its to do with some aspect of my dyslexia some other element of my mind that doesn't compute it well, just looks like noise. Endless lists of things that look slightly different from each other. Navigating it at all literally makes me want to smash my computer up. So I felt there were legs in this Pinterest. The only drawback from me was that this isn't just an organisation and presentation tool. I don't like the fact it's as far as iI understand it all open to the public. I can see how that could be good for some people. But for myself it would stop me using it in the way I would like to as I don't want all of my best unused or incomplete art and design work to be in a public forum where it can be pinched. with regard to using it in the sense it's meant to be used this wouldn't really happen in my current placement. There are absolutely no interactive white boards and though I could connect my laptop to the large monitor we have on the wall and sit at a desk looking at the wall whilst controlling it through the laptop for some sort of presentation it couldn't be used in the way in which I'm mainly used to seeing educators using it. if i needed show slides and talk about them to the class I would rather use a slideshow on my laptop using the remote control which would allow me to move around and point at places on the screen and importantly i feel make a better connection with the students.

1 comment:

  1. The idea here is really that the Pinterest allows you to be spontaneous. You can gather material as you research, you can share things with your students, readers, followers, rather than simply use it to present things is the formal sense at the front of a class.
