Monday 27 April 2015

Which Wiki to use is the question???

I’m not sure as I have never used or engaged with any of the ones it has been suggested to use. I wish I could build my own website then I could tailor it to my own requirements but as of yet this is beyond my ability so I will have to find something that is as close to what I want, which, is a site where my students can access but isn’t available to anyone. Students already have numerous outlets for online communication and require little encouragement to engage with them such as Facebook and the rest of the usual suspects. I admit I am resistant to using these. I’m less keen on a small number of companies whose ultimate interests are commercial, dominating the world of e learning. I think it should be the role of educators to be actively engaged in the development and design of such VLEs and not outsource that crucial element of them to ultimately profit driven business that are in the round ultimately interested in monetising our data.  Additionally I feel that within the context of education I feel we should be providing an online space that is relatively insulated from such commercial interest. I think should be a vehicle for education pure and simple and I don’t see why it can’t done in house, Our institutions are full of people with the skills to do it but at present it seems that many places are happy to just use what ever is made available to them with little desire to do it better. End of rant…   

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